February 13, 2025 — The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) has announced the Memorial Scholarship program for 2025. The scholarship program is aimed at women Amateur Radio Operators studying radio, communications, electronics or Amateur Radio related arts and sciences.
The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is an international non-profit organization of women Amateur Radio enthusiasts. It was founded in 1939 and is the longest-running YL club in the world. The YLRL is sponsoring three memorial scholarships for 2025:
The Ethel Smith K4LMB Memorial Scholarship—$2,500 award
The Mary Lou Brown NM7N Memorial Scholarship—$2,500 award
The Martha “Marte” Wessel K0EPE Memorial Scholarship—$1,500 award
The YLRL believes that education in the fields or radio, communications, electronics and Amateur Related arts and sciences will play an important role in shaping the world’s future. Through these Memorial Scholar-ship, YLRL hopes to encourage female students to learn more about Amateur Radio.
Announcing the 2025
Young Ladies Radio League
Scholarships“YLRL is committed to investing in women in Amateur Radio, and we believe that every act of volunteerism through Amateur Radio — even a small one — helps turn the world into a better place,” said Vicki Zumwalt, President of YLRL. “We hope that our scholarships will not only encourage students to learn more about science, technology, engineering but also inspire them to take pride in being an Amateur Radio operator and to encourage others to do so as well.”
To qualify, students must be female, have an Amateur Radio License, meet the requirements listed on the YLRL.net website and apply using the online application. Applications are due by April 30, 2025. Winners will be announced in July 2025.
Application link: https://YLRL.net/Scholarships
Media Contact: Diane Ortiz
Hello EC’s, DEC’s, ASEC’s and other interested parties,
Ms. Patrica Colley, KI7IEE, has accepted the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Bexar County in District 12 of the South Texas Section. Patricia is recommended by the District 12 Emergency Coordinator (DEC) Ms. L. Ruth Lewis, KE5MHJ, and approved by the STX Section Manager Mr. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX. District 12 is composed of Atascosa, Bexar, Comal, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Kendall, and Wilson counties. Mr. David Rice, NB5K served as Bexar EC for 16 months and will remain active with the group.
A lifelong artist, tinkerer, and explorer, with a curious mind, she has a love for learning and a passion for helping others.
Patricia enjoyed a 35-year career in software technology, researching, designing (for usability), and testing B2B and B2C websites and software for Macs, PCs, Linux, tablets, and phones. Out of necessity, she became adept at IT configuring and troubleshooting on those platforms.
Patricia earned her Amateur Radio Technician ticket in 2018 and General in 2019 in Portland, OR.
Patricia joined ARES and RACES in early 2023 in her new hometown of San Antonio, TX.
“I'm interested in exploring QRP & lightweight travel rigs for adventuring such as camping, SOTA, POTA. I'm slowly learning CW on LCWO.net”. “Eventually, I'd like to explore other digital modes for sharing images, TV, and other data”.
In February 2024, she participated in the RACES NDOW/COMMEX Brownwood 2024 7-Day Exercise at Brownwood State Park and is looking forward to adding to her task book in 2025.
This appointment is effective January 1, 2025.
Welcome Patricia!
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
RACES 16-201-U
Hello all EC’s, DEC’s, ASEC’s and other interested parties,
Mr. Kjell L Anderson, KJ5EMP has accepted the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for the Northwest Unit in District 14 of the South Texas Section. District 14 is composed solely of Harris County, subdivided into 4 quadrants. I-10 is the north-south divider. I-45/HWY 288 is the east-west divider. Kjell replaces Mr. John Sawyer, KD5U. who is moving to North Texas and served as EC for 2 ½ years. District 14 EC (DEC) Mr. Sherwin Klemp K5SEK and Section Manager, Mr. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, approve of the new appointment.
Kjell, who goes by KJ, tells his story:
I first heard about ham radio when I was a Field Leader in Kitsap County’s Explorer Search and Rescue between 1995-1999, while living in Washington State. But it wasn’t until I worked at King Mountain Ranch in Granby, Colorado, where as a ranch hand and wrangler, radios were often the only way to communicate out in the Arapaho National Forest on horseback. I remember the uncomfortable feeling of being completely cut off without cellular or landline services most of the time.
After the ranch, I served in the Army’s 2/75 Ranger Battalion (11B2V) and led several different teams through 5 combat tours across Afghanistan (OEF) and Iraq (OIF) from 2001-2005.
After the military, I worked as a Datacenter Program Manager for Microsoft, and through various friends, I was added to the ham radio group. I got pressured into attending a Field Day and made my first real ham radio contact in a GOTA tent at Fort Flagler, WA around 2010, operating under the care of AE7G and the K7LED Amateur Radio Club. I will never forget how immediately connected I felt to an ever-present, invisible network of very nerdy, cool, friendly people. I got bit by the ham radio bug really hard.
I got my tech license shortly thereafter and bought a Kenwood TM-D700 from a friend, I’ve been on the air ever since.
I moved my family from Seattle to Houston in 2017, just before the Harvey floods; in 2020 I joined Brazos Valley Amateur Radio Club and changed my vanity callsign of K7YAR to KJ5EMP and added my Extra while COVID had everyone shut in and working from home. I was a daily participant in BVARC’s “Stir Crazy Net” at the height of COVID, I relied heavily on my radio for much-needed contact with other people, it really got me back on the air in a big way.
I am currently an Extra Class VE, ARRL Member, BVARC Member, Harris County ARES NW AEC responsible for training, Harris County ARES webmaster. I hold a GMRS license (WRFR550), and I co-lead the unofficial “BOTS ARC” for the “Brotherhood of the Scroll,” helping Special Operations Veterans stay connected and maintain a hobby after serving our country. By day, I’m a Vice President at a satellite communications company; on nights and weekends when I’m not attending sports or other adventurous activities with/for my 5 kids, or out dancing with my wife of nearly 20 years, you’ll find me heating up local houston repeaters or making digital contacts around the world.
I am a respectful extrovert- an eager teacher but I’m always a humble student. If you hear me on the air, please don’t hesitate to say hi.
This appointment is effective December 1, 2024.
Welcome KJ.
Regards to all,
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
Hello all EC’s, DEC’s, ASEC’s and other interested parties,
Mr. Glenn Meter, W5MTR, has accepted the Emergency Coordinator (EC) Position for Travis County in District 7 of the ARRL South Texas Section. The district is composed of Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Milam, Travis, and Williamson counties. Glenn replaces Mr. Rex Schuller, K8REX, who served as EC for 3 years. District 7 DEC Mr. Terry Jones K5LGV, promoted the nomination for the position. Section Manager Mr. Stuart Wolfe KF5NIX, approved the appointment.
Mr. Meter was first encouraged to become an amateur radio operator by his in-laws, who sheltered-in-place in Mississippi during Hurricane Katrina. He saw first-hand how difficult communication could be with loved ones during a disaster.
Glenn volunteered at shelters in Austin during Katrina and Ike. He finally got his Technician license in 2015, Extra in 2022. In 2017 after Hurricane Harvey, Glenn joined the Travis County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (TCARES) and became a trained and certified American Red Cross volunteer.
After joining TCARES, Glenn volunteered for critical Infrastructure drills and weather nets (SKYWARN). In 2020 he became lead for Amateur Radio Communication Hospitals Emergency System (ARCHES) and the Sunday night nets. Since 2022 he has been the communication committee lead for the Austin routes of the Bike MS: TX MS150 bike ride. In 2022, Glenn became the Deputy Emergency Coordinator for TCARES.
Professionally, Glenn moved to Austin in 1996 to join Metrowerks, later acquired by Motorola. Since 2004 he has worked at BigLever Software, enabling Product Line Engineering at Fortune 100 companies including in automotive and aerospace & defense.
This appointment was effective October 31, 2024.
Welcome to Glenn.
Regards to all,
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
Mr. Michael Moody, W5ALE, has accepted the Emergency Coordinator (EC) Position for Williamson County in District 7 of the ARRL South Texas Section. The district is composed of Bastrop, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Milam, Travis, and Williamson counties. District 7 DEC Mr. Terry Jones K5LGV, made the nomination for the position. Terry had served the dual roles of EC for Williamson and DEC 7. Section Manager Mr. Stuart Wolfe KF5NIX, approved the appointment.
Michael Moody is an accomplished Public Safety Technology Manager with over 20 years of extensive experience in the emergency services sector. His career is marked by a steadfast commitment to enhancing public safety through the innovative use of technology and volunteer service. Michael's profound understanding of emergency management frameworks and his strategic approach to integrating technology solutions have significantly improved response times and operational efficiency within the organizations he has served.
Michael began his journey in the Civil Air Patrol, developing a solid foundation of skills and knowledge critical to managing high-pressure situations and complex systems. He gained hands-on experience with deployments to Katrina, Rita, Ike, Harvey, and many local disasters, and having more than 400 search and rescue finds. His hands-on experience in emergency operations has equipped him with invaluable insights into the challenges faced by public safety organizations.
As a Public Safety Technology Manager, Michael oversees the deployment and management of cutting-edge technologies that support emergency response teams. He has successfully led numerous projects to modernize systems and improve communication among various agencies. His ability to foster collaboration across departments has resulted in enhanced interoperability.
Michael's contributions to emergency services have not gone unnoticed; he has received several accolades throughout his tenure for his innovative initiatives and leadership in emergency services. Including the Distinguished Service Award from Williamson County Emergency Communications, the Meritorious Service Award, 9 Commander Commendations, 4 Disaster Relief Awards, and State and Region Communicator of the Year from Civil Air Patrol, among others. He is widely recognized as a thought leader in the field, regularly invited to speak on panels and contribute articles to industry publications. His passion for public safety is matched only by his desire to mentor the next generation of professionals. This is exemplified by Michael's developing, teaching, and commanding Emergency Communications Academies nationwide, including the first National Communication Academy.
Outside of his professional endeavors, Michael is an avid amateur radio operator, finding joy and fulfillment in the challenges, camaraderie, and public service that the hobby brings. He has been licensed since 2015 and holds an Amateur Extra license. As an amateur radio operator, Michael has been an active member of ARES, including years of service as the Williamson County Deputy Emergency Coordinator and an active member on the Board of Directors. Additionally, Michael is an active member of the Civil Air Patrol,
This appointment was effective October 10, 2024.
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
Upper Lake Livingston Wireless Association - Polk County Area ARES
Tropical Storm Beryl Response
July 8-13, 2024
James 'Skip' Straus - W5TXT
ARES® District Emergency Coordinator - STX District 2
We heard what attendees were saying:
- 2x Days
- 2x Space
- 2x Prizes
All this for the same great price of $5 admission and covers both days.
The Lewisville Amateur Radio Association will handle all tailgating.
All times are available on the website.
Check us out at dfwhamexpo.com
SKYWARN Weather Spotter's Field Guide and a list of SKYWARN classes held by the National Weather Service offices in South Texas:
Austin/San Antonio https://www.weather.gov/ewx/skywarn
Corpus Christi https://www.weather.gov/crp/skywarn
Houston/Galveston https://www.weather.gov/hgx/skywarn_schedule
A message from our West Gulf Division Director, John Stratton N5AUS. Our Oklahoma/Texas leadership supports this Motion. However, they are currently in the minority. Feel free to contact the leaders that John lists below and contact your friends outside the region so they can review this information and take appropriate action:
“No man’s life, liberty, or property are safe while the Legislature is in session.”
A centuries old truism often attributed to Mark Twain — it is applicable to any elected organization with the power to alter the lives and rights of others — public, private, or governmental — including the ARRL Board of Directors.
While the Agenda for the Board Meeting is always published before a Board meeting, the many motions to be considered by the Board have rarely ever been published before a Board Meeting. The most recent and notorious exception occurred before the January 2018 Board meeting when the Executive Committee and Lisenco motions intended to juice the 2017 “Code of Conduct” were leaked to the general Membership. The overwhelming Membership outrage resulting from the unintentional disclosure was instrumental in the punitive proposals being withdrawn. The 2017 Code of Conduct was itself overturned by a newly elected Board in January 2019.
The Members’ voices were heard — and their wishes were honored.
It is my belief, that of a small minority of Directors, and Vice Director Lee Cooper’s, that the Members should be permitted to have advance notice of the substantive matters to considered by the Board of Directors at its meetings.
To that end, the West Gulf intends to publish to its website the substantive motions scheduled to be considered at the January Board meeting and subsequent meetings.
It is our intent to discuss each known January 2024 motion in a separate email, although we will publish to the website each motion as it becomes available.
At present, there are three known motions. The Agenda for the January Board meeting and each of these three motions are available for review and download at: https://westgulfdivision.org/motion
The first motion we wish to discuss is the:
Motion To Honor Membership Contracts
In July 2023, the Board voted to raise the annual dues from $49 to $59 and to eliminate the delivery of a printed copy of QST or On The Air, effective January 2024, unless a Member paid an extra $25/year.
The West Gulf Division, the Atlantic Division, the Southeastern Division, and the Southwestern Divisions voted against both proposals, but the two proposals passed by an 11-4 vote.
While a dues increase was long overdue and actually needed, the West Gulf Division voted against it because it was tied to the termination of the delivery of a printed copy of QST/On The Air unless a Member paid an extra $25/year.
The four divisions argued it was a breach of the ARRL’s legal contract with those Members — both annual memberships and 3-year memberships — to terminate their promised printed copy of QST/On The Air before their membership contracts expired. The membership applications in use at the time promised, in writing, the delivery of QST/On The Air magazines by “standard mail.”
Besides the risks attendant upon a breach of contract, Article 11 of the ARRL Articles of Association prohibits the Board from terminating or reducing the rights of any Member. The stripping of the delivery of printed copies of QST/On The Air from unexpired Memberships constitutes a reduction in the rights of the affected Member.
Both the Membership Application and Article 11 are promises — and the League should stand on its promises. That is the reason we have filed the Motion To Honor Membership Contracts.
The ARRL is a membership organization, and the opinions of the Members are important.
I have been asked by each of the West Gulf Division Section Managers — NTX SM Steve Smith (KG5VK), STX SM Stuart Wolfe (KF5NIX), WTX SM Dale Durham (W5WI), and OK SM Mark Kleine (N5HZR) — to share that they each support the Motion To Honor Membership Contracts.
If you believe the Motion has merit and it should pass, it would be important for you to share your support for the Motion with the ARRL President, Rick Roderick, and the other Directors. All of their email addresses can be found on Page 15 of QST or at http://www.arrl.org/divisions . If you choose to share your views, please be respectful — we choose to disagree, but need not be disrespectful.
John Robert Stratton
West Gulf Division Director
Lee H. Cooper
West Gulf Division Vice Director
December 26, 2023 — Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) announces a special SSTV experiment to be held this week. The ARISS Voice Repeater will be the downlink for enthusiasts, and several ARISS-selected ground stations around the world will serve as SSTV uplink stations. Two special images will be transmitted on 437.800 MHz using PD120 formatting.
This limited experiment will be conducted on several passes over Europe, Australia, and the USA between Wednesday, December 27 and Saturday, December 30, 2023.
Go to www.ariss.org and ARISS social media posts to monitor for pass information.
ARISS hopes enthusiasts will have fun downloading the images and follow along with the event.
**IMPORTANT: Please, all hams should hold off from using the ARISS Voice Repeater for voice contacts during the event times.
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) is a cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the space agencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the United States, sponsors are the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT), NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation program (SCaN), and the ISS National Lab—Space Station Explorers. The primary goal of ARISS is to promote exploration of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics topics. ARISS does this by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crew members aboard the ISS and students. Before and during these radio contacts, students, educators, parents, and communities take part in hands-on learning activities tied to space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For more information, see http://www.ariss.org.
Media Contact:
Dave Jordan, AA4KN
Find us on social media at:
Twitter: ARISS_Intl
Facebook: facebook.com/ARISSIntl
Instagram: ariss_intl
Check out ARISS on Youtube.com.
ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® reports that earlier today, the FCC Commissioners unanimously voted to amend the Amateur Radio Service rules to replace the baud rate limit on the Amateur HF bands with a 2.8 kHz bandwidth limit to permit greater flexibility in data communications.
Full article on ARRL website: ARRL Hails FCC Action to Remove Symbol Rate Restrictions
The STX Section Communications Plan 3.7
Dated: September 21, 2023
Jeffery A Walter - KE5FGA
STX ARES has a PUBLIC email group on Groups.io at; https://stxares.groups.io Membership is free and open to all hams, ARES members, and other EmComm members to join.
Note that your messages posted to the group are forwarded to 600+ members of the group. Due to the private nature of some of our Served Agencies, the emails are not open to the Public.
To join this group use use the Join This Group button or Log In If You Are Already a Member.
You will need to enter an email address that you wish to get the group emails. Please do not use
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You can change your Subscription Options to select how often you will get emails; Individual, Full Featured Digest (rich text formatting), Plain Digest, or Daily Summary.
Finally, so that the Group Admins know who you are please send an email to the Group Owner at
Make sure to check your inbox and spam folder and reply to the confirmation email.
All new members will be moderated until you are verified by one of the moderators. Once verified you will be unmoderated. This is to help keep Spammers from joining the group.
We also have subgroups for all 15 Districts. To join them repeat the above steps above for the one(s) you want to join.
ARRLSTX has a PUBLIC email group on Groups.io at; https://arrlstx.groups.io Membership is free and open to all including non-hams for those that have not gotten their license yet.
Note that your messages are posted to the internet for ALL to see. This lets visitors visit before joining.
To join this group, simply use the above link and use the Join This Group button or Log In If You Are Already a Member.
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You can change your Subscription Options to select how often you will get emails; Individual, Full Featured Digest (rich text formatting), Plain Digest, or Daily Summary. You can change these settings later.
Finally, so that the Group Owners know who you are please send an email to the Group Owner at
Make sure to check your inbox and spam folder and reply to the confirmation email.
All new members will be moderated until you are verified by one of the moderators. Once verified you will be unmoderated. These steps help keep Spammers from joining the group.
This YouTube video sums up the story behind the ARRL Flag.
Hello to all ASECs, DECs, ECs, and other interested parties,
Mr. David Rice, NB5K, has accepted the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for Bexar County in District 12 of the South Texas Section. David is recommended by the District 12 Emergency Coordinator (DEC) Ms. L. Ruth Lewis, KE5MHJ, and approved by the STX Section Manager Mr. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX.
District 12 is composed of Atascosa, Bexar, Comal, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Kendall, and Wilson counties. Greg Lewis, N5XO, outgoing EC, will remain very active in our radio hobby.
Mr. Rice grew up in a mixture of Florida, Nebraska, and Texas. While in San Antonio, he attended three high schools: MacArthur, Marshall, and O’Connor. In 2005, David graduated from Baylor University with a degree in economics and business. After college, David managed a flower store in San Antonio.
David is married to Therese Frentz. Therese was an officer in the Air Force but was medically retired as a result of a suicide bomber attack. They have a small terrier-mix dog named Gilbert. Gilbert appears to be part Yorkie and wiener dog but he’s keeping his secrets.
In 2006 David was first licensed as KE5LOU. David comments “I started volunteering at various public service events around San Antonio to support marathons, biking tours, and trail runs.” “I Learned about my current job, a State Park Police Officer, while volunteering for the Texas Water Safari with Gordon K5SUZ (SK).”
“In 2009 I was hired by Texas Parks and Wildlife as a park specialist and assigned to Seminole Canyon State Park and Historic Site. I completed law enforcement training in San Antonio at Alamo Area Council of Governments and State Park Police Academy at Bastrop State Park. Therese and I moved into a house on Seminole Canyon.”
“In 2014 I transferred to Government Canyon State Natural Area in San Antonio. Therese, Gilbert, and I currently live on Government Canyon.”
“During my time with TPWD I’ve worked temporarily at numerous state parks for special events, holidays, and natural disasters.” “I deploy a few times a year to the border to conduct marine patrols to deter crossings.” “Additional TPWD trainings that I have completed are EMT, wildlife fire, and interpretive guide.”
This appointment is effective August 1, 2023.
Welcome David, you are our first park ranger!
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
RACES 16-201-U
Hello to all ASECs, DECs, ECs, and other interested parties,
Mr. George Fletcher, AD5CQ has accepted the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for the Southeast Unit in District 14 of the South Texas Section. District 14 is composed solely of Harris County subdivided into 4 quadrants. I-10 is the north-south divider. I-45/HWY 288 is the east-west divider. George replaces Mr. Andrew Downing, WB5TAD. Andrew remains active with his local clubs.
This is George’s 2nd round of EC appointments. District 14 EC (DEC) Mr. Sherwin Klemp, K5SEK, and Section Manager Mr. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, approve of the new appointment.
Growing up in Houston, Texas, George earned his Novice ticket in 1965 and his General ticket a year later. His first antennas were inverted Vs on 80 and 40 meters, 30 feet on top of the house, with no RF choke, and no tuner. Going off to college required letting the license lapse. Fast forward to 1995, he earned Technician, General, and Extra class in quick succession.
Volunteering has been an important component in George’s amateur radio journey. An untold number of hours have been spent supporting public service events like fun runs, CERT Rodeo, Extreme Weather Expo, Harris County Health Department CASPERs, and hamfests just to name a few. He became an ARES volunteer eventually rising to the rank of Emergency Coordinator. George was previously the Emergency Coordinator for southeast Harris County for almost 11 years.
George has been active in the responses for Hurricanes, Rita, Katrina, Ike, and Harvey. During Hurricane Rita, he worked 12-hour shifts as net control at Transtar and slept in a closet. In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, he helped coordinate radio volunteers to assist during the influx of refugees from Louisiana. During Hurricane Harvey, he volunteered for a 6-hour shift at Transtar and was unable to return home due to flooding stranding him at Transtar for 4 days.
George is an active member of both the Clear Lake and Johnson Space Center amateur radio clubs. In his spare time, he likes to build loop antennas. He is currently working on his 5-Band Worked All States award. Parks On The Air is another amateur radio pastime for George.
George is married to Jean and together they have three married daughters, six grandchildren, and one cat.
This appointment is effective July 17, 2023.
Welcome back, George.
Regards to all,
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
RACES 16-201-U
Mr. David Fanelli, KB5PGY, has accepted the position of 3873 Texas ARES Net Manager. David replaces Mr. Mark Mireles AD5CA who has served this position since October 2016. Both gentlemen also serve as a net control in the monthly rotation.
The 3873 net is held on Monday each week immediately following the Texas Traffic Net at about 7:30 PM.
A bit about David.
Mr. Fanelli has been licensed in the Amateur Radio Service since April 1991 and held an Amateur Extra Class license since September 1991.
David is also an active Volunteer Examiner in the ARRL/VEC who has participated in over 470 test sessions since accreditation in October 1991. He also acts as the VE Liaison for both the Clear Lake Amateur Radio Club and Johnson Space Center ARC and has held that position since July 1996.
Mr. Fanelli has been active in public service events and local ARES organizations since 1991 and presently is the Assistant Emergency Coordinator for Training for the Harris County – Southeast Unit. He also holds the Official Relay Station designation for his activities in the National Traffic System.
Professionally, Mr. Fanelli earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Houston's Cullen College of Engineering in August 1996. He has worked at the Johnson Space Center in the capacity of software engineer for Lockheed Martin, Hamilton Sundstrand, and Jacobs Technology since February 1997 in both a facility testing International Space Station Guidance, Navigation, and Control flight software and at the Energy Systems Test Area. He has earned both a Group Achievement Award and a Space Flight Awareness Team Award from NASA Headquarters for his efforts in software development for tests at the Energy Systems Test Area.
We will be looking for additional net control and scheduled relay staff as we move forward.
This appointment is effective September 5, 2022.
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
RACES 16-201-U
Mr. Wayne Johnson, K5OB has accepted the position of Emergency Coordinator (EC) for the Southwest Unit in District 14 of the South Texas Section. District 14 is composed solely of Harris County, subdivided into 4 quadrants. I-10 is the north-south divide. I-45/HWY 288 is the east-west divider. Wayne replaces Mr. Russell Richter WP2AHG. Russell will remain active in local service with area hospitals, and community public service events. District 14 EC (DEC) Mr. Sherwin Klemp K5SEK and Section Manager, Mr. Stuart Wolfe, KF5NIX, approve of the new appointment.
Wayne was originally licensed in 2005 as KE5FYO, operated as W3DGE from 2006 to 2017, and grabbed the K5OB vanity call soon after earning his Extra ticket in 2017.
Wayne was born in El Paso and became an avid follower of the XEROK and XERF/XERB border blaster stations during the sixties. When the family moved away from the border, he started building antennas to receive the border stations. The family moved all over the States, so there was the opportunity to build antennas in different environments. This evolved into shortwave listening. In the seventies, he became involved in CB radios and started “repairing” them to ensure the best propagation.
Interesting reading at this link for border blaster station XEROK:
Most of Wayne’s undergrad and graduate work (public administration, geology) was at UT El Paso, with an MBA added much later. He has worked mostly in public service and healthcare. Wayne has supported contracting activities at UTMB Galveston for 24 years, serving as its Institutional Contracting Officer for the last 10 years.
Wayne joined the SW ARES unit four years ago and has served as AEC for the last two years. He has also been an official relay traffic station for the past year. He is also interested in supporting emergency communications for neighborhood-level groups.
He has been married to the brilliant and kind Lisa Christion for over 30 years, has family and kids scattered around the country, and has a houseful of pets in the Katy area. His interests are classic cars, blues and jazz, barbeque cook-offs, geology, ham radio, child advocacy, Texas history, and travelling back roads.
This appointment is effective July 3, 2022.
Jeffery A Walter – KE5FGA
DPS/TDEM has agreed to accept up to 21 ARES members that would be interested in becoming a Certified AUXCOM Instructor for the State of Texas. The goal of this program is to increase the number of authorized instructors in Texas from 4 to 25 instructors. Recognizing the depth of resources ARES has and the level of skills we have, they are looking to us to develop this expansion. Now, for us, this means that ARES will be recognized as being able to provide this certification to our members. Once certified an ARES AUXCOM instructor will be able to schedule training classes that will be coordinated through TDEM. This will eliminate the challenges of lack of instructors and also eliminate the budgetary constraints that TDEM has to host the classes. To review the requirements - Each candidate must meet the following -
- The candidate must have completed AUXCOM within the past three years
- The candidate must have completed the Task Book (more on that)
- The candidate must have completed current ICS courses (No longer than 3 years ago)
- OR Must be willing to take and complete the Texas AUXCOM course
- Then they will take an AUXCOM T-T course
- DPS then will certify them to offer AUXCOM training
Each individual meeting these qualifications and wishing to become an AUXCOM instructor must email me,